

Suočeni sa najvećim vojnim sukobom posle Drugog svetskog rata i pretnjom globalnog stradanja, a u znak sećanja na veliki zločin u Kragujevcu, u kome su 1941, pre 82 godinе, nemački okupatori u jednom danu streljali više hiljada nevinih civila, i sa iskrenom željom da izrazimo snažnu opomenu današnjim militaristima

Spomen-park “Kragujevački oktobar”, Kragujevac, Srbija

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Međunarodni žiri će od prispelih radova odabrati radove za izlaganje i objavljivanje u Katalogu Salona i dodeliti sledeće nagrade:

Gran pri “Kurir mira” i nagradu od 1.500 evra Međunarodne asocijacije gradova vesnika mira

Zlatnu plaketu i 1.000 evra

Srebrnu plaketu i 800 evra

Bronzanu plaketu i 500 evra

Nagradu gradonačelnika Bidgošča (Poljska) u iznosu od 750 evra

Nagradu grada Ingolštata (Nemačka) u iznosu od 750 evra

Nagradu grada Bielsko-Biala (Poljska) u iznosu od 500 evra

Nagradu grada Sirena (Francuska) u iznosu od 500 evra

Nagrada grada Piteštija (Rumunija) u iznosu od 500 evra

Nagradu grada Karare (Italija) u iznosu od 500 evra


Žiri može dodeliti i određeni broj diploma radovima iz užeg izbora za nagrade.


Pravo učešća na konkursu imaju karikaturisti i likovni stvaraoci iz celog sveta koji na antiratnu i temu razumevanja i solidarnosti među ljudima i narodima pošalju najviše 3 (tri) rada, koji nisu nagrađeni na drugim međunarodnim konkursima, formata A4 -A3, u likovnoj tehnici koju sami izaberu, računajući i elektronsku formu, 300dpi, uz originalni potpis. Radovi na poleđini ili u potpisu elektronske forme treba da sadrže podatke o autoru (ime, prezime, godinu rođenja, adresu, telefon/faks, e-mail)

Rok za prijem radova je 18. avgust 2023. godine. Žiriranje će se obaviti 25. i 26.. avgusta 2023.

Karikature slati na adresu: SALON ANTIRATNE KARIKATURE,  Desankin venac bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija ili na elektronsku adresu

Radovi prispeli na konkurs se ne vraćaju, a Salon zadržava pravo njihovog korišćenja bez posebne naknade. Nagrade će biti uručene u roku od tri meseca od dana objavljivanja dobitnika.

22. salon-tekst konkursa (2)22. salon-tekst konkursa.eng



Faced with the biggest military conflict after the Second World War and the threat of global suffering, and in memory of the great crime in Kragujevac, in which in 1941, 82 years ago, the German occupiers shot thousands of innocent civilians in one day, and with a sincere desire to express a strong warning to today’s militarists

The memorial park “Kragujevački oktobar”, Kragujevac, Serbia

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The international jury will make a selection out of submitted cartoons which is to be exhibited and published in the Salon‘s catalog and award the following prices:

Grand Prix “Courier of Peace” and a prize of 1,500 euros from the International Association of Cities of Peace Newspapers

Gold plaque and 1,000 euros

Silver plaque and 800 euros

Bronze plaque and 500 euros

Award of the Mayor of Bydgoszcz (Poland) in the amount of 750 euros

Award of the city of Ingolstadt (Germany) in the amount of 750 euros

Award of the city of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) in the amount of 500 euros

Prize of the city of Siren (France) in the amount of 500 euros

Prize of the city of Pitesti (Romania) in the amount of 500 euros

Award of the city of Carrara (Italy) in the amount of 500 euros


The jury may also award a number of diplomas to shortlisted works for awards.

The right to participate in the contest is open to cartoonists and artists from all over the world who submit at most 3 (three) cartoons on the topic of anti-war and understanding and solidarity between people and nations, which have not been awarded by any other international competition, A4-A3 formatted, while art technique is at the artist’s choice, including the electronic form, 300 dpi, with the original signature. Papers on the back or in the signature of the electronic form should contain information about the author (name, surname, year of birth, address, phone/fax, e-mail).

On the back of the artwork or in the signature of the electronic form should be written data on the artist (such as: name, surname, address, phone/fax, e/mail.)

The deadline for submission of works is August 18th, 2023. The jury session is to be held on August 25th and 26th, 2023.

The Cartoons should be sent to the address: SALON ANTIRATNE KARIKATURE, Desankin venac bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia or to the e-mail address

The works submitted to the competition are not returned and the Salon reserves the right to use them without special compensation. Prizes will be awarded within three months from the date of announcement of the winners.

NOTE: The International Salon of Anti-War Caricature had a great international promotion and affirmation. After the announcement of the winners, the presentation of awards and the opening of the exhibition in Kragujevac, the Salon exhibition is being set up in numerous cities around the world and in international organizations. The salon has visited more than 40 cities in 20 countries. Thus, the Salon exhibition was presented in the United Nations building in New York, in the exhibition premises of the European Commission in Brussels, Auschwitz (Oświęcim-Poland), the Festival “The World is Colorful” in Ingolstadt (Germany), Pitesti (Romania), the Polish cities of Bydgoszcz, Bielsko-Biała, Plonsk, Wielun, Toruń. The exhibition was also seen by the public in Mexico City, Limassol (Cyprus), Berlin and Dresden (Germany), Paris (France), Trijavna (Bulgaria), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Skopje (Macedonia), Carrara and Monte Cassino (Italy). New Haven (USA), Poltava (Ukraine), Messolonghi (Greece), Kotor (Montenegro), Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia)…

The virtual exhibition of the Salon is available on the website of the Memorial park

22. salon-tekst konkursa (2)22. salon-tekst konkursa.eng