The Steering Board | The Supervision Board | The Head | Музејска служба | Стручни савет | Музеј “21. октобар” |
Галеријска служба | Уметнички савет | Галерија “Мостови Балкана” |
Служба изградње, уређења и одржавања |
The Steering Board
The Steering Board of the Memorial park governs the Memorial park, makes the statute of the Memorial park and other general regulations which are determined by the law and the statute, determines the business and development policy of the Memorial park, makes decisions about the work of the Memorial park, the program of dealings and the calendar of events, as suggested the Memorial park, makes the annual financial plan, adopts the annual report of work and business, gives suggestions about the changes of the statute in line with the law, by the head of the Memorial park, gives suggestions to the founder of the memorial park about the head of the Memorial park, which is not a permanent position, signs the working contract with the head of the Memorial park for a specific period of his / her election or dismissal, and in cases when the head of the Memorial park is a person already employed permanently in the Memorial park, signs the annex to the contract, in line with the Labor Law, makes the Rules book, and does others activities determined by the law and statute.
The Supervision Board
The Supervision Board of the Memorial park supervises the dealings of the Memorial park, reviews the annual report and the annual financial report of the Memorial park and other legal documents which are important for the work of the Memorial park, and reports about the results of the Memorial park the Steering board of the Memorial park and the head of the Memorial park, and does other dealings as determined by the law and atatute.
The Head
The Head of the Memorial park manages the Memorial park, organizes and manages the work of the Memorial park, makes the act about the organization and work systematization of the Memorial park, makes general and specific regulations which are in his / her jurisdiction and as determined by the statute, represents the Memorial park, takes care of the legality of dealings of the Memorial park, is responsible for the implementation of the working program of the Memorial park, suggests the financial plan of the Memorial park, is responsible for the material and financial dealings of the Memorial park, signs the contracts on behalf of the Memorial park, empowers within the scope of his work to the employees in cases determined by the law and statute, submits reports to the Steering board about the periodical and annual report financial report, takes security and health protection measures for his employees, and does other activities as determined by the law and the statute.